It's so simple How to increase testosterone healthy lifestyle Yandex Zen depth entityRanges

So simple! How To Increase Testosterone | healthy lifestyle | Yandex Zen

12 easy steps to boost testosterone levels

After damaging Junior dos Santos’ reputation, UFC makes major change to its anti-doping program

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Inadequate sleep will lead to increased levels of stress hormone and decreased testosterone levels. Follow these strategies to improve your sleep quality. \\ n \ “, \” type \ “: \” unstyled \ “, \” key \ “: \” 7th7o \ “}, {\” data \ “: {}, \ “depth \”: 0, \ “entityRanges \”: [], \ “inlineStyleRanges \”: [{\ “length \”: 25, \ “offset \”: 0, \ “style \”: \ “BOLD \ “}], \” text \ “: \” Diet high in fat: Focus on healthy fats, antioxidants and proteins. Good fats like coconut oil, flaxseed oil, avocados, olives, olive oil and fish oil provide the essential fatty acids needed for testosterone production. This is a useful shopping list group to help you follow the correct diet. \ “, \” Type \ “: \” unstyled \ “, \” key \ “: \” 4dd6m \ “}, {\” data \ “: {\ “image \”: {\ “id \”: \ “5ac0dc522f578c01b35ae74b \”}}, \ “depth \”: 0, \ “entityRanges \”: [], \ “inlineStyleRanges \”: [], \ “text \ “: \” \ “, \” type \ “: \” atomic: image \ “, \” key \ “: \” 9leie \ “}, {\” data \ “: {}, \” depth \ “: 0, \ “entityRanges \”: [], \ “inlineStyleRanges \”: [{\ “length \”: 18, \ “offset \”: 0, \ “style \”: \ “BOLD \”}], \ “text \”: \ “Intermittent fasting: Taking a 16 hour break between dinner and breakfast is one of the best ways to boost testosterone levels. Consume your diet in an 8-hour window, for example, from 11:00 to 19:00. \ “, \” Type \ “: \” unstyled \ “, \” key \ “: \” 8kig4 \ “}, {\ “data \”: {}, \ “depth \”: 0, \ “entityRanges \”: [], \ “inlineStyleRanges \”: [{\ “length \”: 35, \ “offset \”: 0, \ “style \”: \ “BOLD \”}], \ “text \”: \ “High Intensity Exercise: This type of exercise, especially weight training, increases testosterone. Do exercises that use a large muscle group such as squats, lunges, bench presses, pull-ups, deadlifts. \ “, \” Type \ “: \” unstyled \ “, \” key \ “: \” 2s0hu \ “} , {\ “data \”: {}, \ “depth \”: 0, \ “entityRanges \”: [], \ “inlineStyleRanges \”: [], \ “text \”: \ “The more muscles are stimulated, the higher the testosterone production will be. Be sure to get a good rest between workouts. I like to do an upper body day, a lower day, and then a day off. Then go back to the upper body and lower body, and then another weekend … and so on and so forth. \\ n \ “, \” type \ “: \” unstyled \ “, \” key \ “: \ “e7f39 \”}, {\ “data \”: {}, \ “depth \”: 0, \ “entityRanges \”: [], \ “inlineStyleRanges \”: [{\ “length \”: 17, \ “offset \”: 0, \ “style \”: \ “BOLD \”}], \ “text \”: \ “Move more: a sedentary lifestyle depletes testosterone, but it can be fixed. Make sure your workouts are intense but short (maximum 30 minutes). 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Start your shower with warm / hot water and change it to cold for the last 30-60 seconds – creating a lot of shivers as your muscles contract. This will help boost internal warmth and increase testosterone production. \ “, \” Type \ “: \” unstyled \ “, \” key \ “: \” 9aodr \ “}, {\” data \ “: {}, \” depth \ “: 0, \” entityRanges \ “: [], \” inlineStyleRanges \ “: [{\” length \ “: 27, \” offset \ “: 0, \” style \ “: \” BOLD \ ” }], \ “text \”: \ “Increase Vitamin D: Low vitamin D3 levels are associated with low testosterone production. Increase your vitamin D with moderate amounts of regular sun exposure and / or with high quality vitamin D3 supplements. \\ n \ “, \” type \ “: \” unstyled \ “, \” key \ “: \” 8vgdt \ “} , {\ “data \”: {}, \ “depth \”: 0, \ “entityRanges \”: [], \ “inlineStyleRanges \”: [{\ “length \”: 14, \ “offset \”: 0, \ “style \”: \ “BOLD \”}], \ “text \”: \ “Zinc and Magnesium: Be sure to optimize your zinc and magnesium levels. Both of these nutrients are key to testosterone production. Pumpkin seeds are one of the richest sources of both zinc and magnesium. And also eat healthy organic meat products. \\ n \ “, \” type \ “: \” unstyled \ “, \” key \ “: \” 4p0s9 \ “}, {\” data \ “: {}, \ “depth \”: 0, \ “entityRanges \”: [], \ “inlineStyleRanges \”: [{\ “length \”: 18, \ “offset \”: 0, \ “style \”: \ “BOLD \ “}], \” text \ “: \” Reduce estrogen: Avoid foods with phytoestrogens such as soy, beans. In addition, consume a lot of cruciferous vegetables and, in particular, broccoli sprouts, which help detoxify bad estrogen metabolites that cause estrogen / testosterone balance problems. \ “, \” Type \ “: \” unstyled \ “, \” key \ “: \” a3vlc \ “}, {\” data \ “: {}, \” depth \ “: 0, \” entityRanges \ “: [], \” inlineStyleRanges \ “: [], \” text \ ” : \ “I also recommend a cooked mixture of crucifers (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts) with herbal oil and herbs. \\ n \”, \ “type \”: \ “unstyled \”, \ “key \”: \ “9u6pa \”}, {\ “data \”: {}, \ “depth \”: 0, \ “entityRanges \”: [], \ “inlineStyleRanges \”: [{\ “length \”: 27, \ “offset \”: 0, \ “style \”: \ “BOLD \”}], \ “text \”: \ “Practice deep breathing: deep breathing can help calm the nervous system and relax the body. 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